About Jester's Party

Jester’s Party is a family run party store where you can buy all the decorations, tableware, balloons and other partyware that you need to make your event something special!

Why shop with us

Fast Delivery from £0.99

We dispatch all orders placed before 3pm on the same day, and our delivery charges only reflect what is charged to us. UK standard delivery starts from £0.99.

Cheaper than Amazon guarantee

All of our prices are matched against Amazon, so you can be confident that you are paying the best prices.

Free Delivery Over £30

We offer free standard delivery, or cheaper upgraded delivery for all orders over £30.

Easy & Simple Returns

You can return anything you buy with no questions asked. Simply send your item back t the return address, with your order number and we will issue a full refund.

See how we've performed with previous customers by checking out their Trustpilot reviews.

Hi there!

We're taking a quick break from dispatches untill Monday

Jester’s Party is currently undergoing some warehouse maintenance that means we will be unable to dispatch any orders until Monday 20th May.

We are still accepting orders, which will be sent on Monday using your chosen delivery option. This means that if you need your item by Tuesday, then you will please need to choose our next day delivery option so that it arrives in time.

We’re sorry for any inconvenience caused.